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How to compile 7-zip components

During my work on this documentation, I compiled the File Manager to be able to see the call stack and to debug the plugin system. This guide will allow you to compile any components you want to explore.

  1. Navigate to the CPP folder and find Build.mak. This is the base make file that is referenced by the other components. Open it.
  2. Find the line CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -nologo and add the /Zi compiler flag at the end (It instructs the compiler to create a symbols file).
  3. Find the line LFLAGS = $(LFLAGS) -nologo -OPT:REF -OPT:ICF -INCREMENTAL:NO and add the /DEBUG linker flag.
  4. Find the lines CFLAGS_O1 and CFLAGS_O2, and disable the optimization flags -Ox by replacing them with -Od.
  5. Go to any component you want to compile. For example, CPP\7zip\UI\FileManager\. Open the Visual Studio console there and type nmake. It should work without parameters.
  6. The build process will create an x64 folder. Open it and find the required component. Copy it to the installed 7-zip version. Done.